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vlan plugin



The vlan plugin creates a vlan subinterface off an enslaved interface in the host network namespace and the container using a veth device. One end of the veth pair is placed inside a container and the other end is a subinterface off the master in the host network namespace. The host-local IPAM plugin can be used to allocate an IP address to the container. The traffic of the container interface will be routed through the interface of the host.

Example network configuration

	"name": "mynet",
	"cniVersion": "0.3.1",
	"type": "vlan",
	"master": "eth0",
	"mtu": 1500,
	"vlanId": 5,
	"ipam": {
		"type": "host-local",
		"subnet": ""
	"dns": {
		"nameservers": [ "", "" ]

Network configuration reference

  • name (string, required): the name of the network
  • type (string, required): “vlan”
  • master (string, required): name of the host interface to enslave. Defaults to default route interface.
  • vlanId (integer, required): id of the vlan
  • mtu (integer, optional): explicitly set MTU to the specified value. Defaults to value chosen by the kernel.
  • ipam (dictionary, required): IPAM configuration to be used for this network.
  • dns (dictionary, optional): DNS information to return as described in the Result .